Visit Umbria, take the road less traveled!

Umbria and the surrounding countryside offers a magnificent opportunity to get to know the rich history of the region, to experience first-hand the We offer guided tours, if you are interested, but we also provide what we hope to be useful information for those who want to get “off the beaten path” and explore.symbolism that is contained in the works of art, in the churches, in the monuments, many of which date back to Medieval times.
This territory offers the opportunity  to experience the magic of the past .
I can offer guided tours to explore this fascinating region, tours for those who want to get “off the beaten path” .  

A vacation in Umbria is the opportunity of discovering a land full of work of art and traditions, a territory small geographically but culturally rich, where you can appreciate Etruscan and Roman remains, medieval and renaissance buildings,  and where you can walk between green hills and mountains inside protected natural parks.